All Party Parliamentary Group for Adult Social Care Hosts Successful Parliamentary Coffee Morning

Last week, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Adult Social Care hosted a highly successful parliamentary coffee morning, bringing together over 50 carers, those who draw on care and support and representatives from care providers and organisations to meet with MPs and discuss critical social care policies.

The event which was held in Parliament provided a unique opportunity for carers and care workers to engage directly with Members of Parliament (MPs), including their constituency MPs, to share insights, concerns, and personal experiences regarding the state of adult social care.

Over 40 MPs attended, demonstrating a cross-party commitment to the ongoing challenges facing the social care sector. Among the attendees were the APPG's two co-chairs, Tom Gordon MP and Sojan Joseph MP who have long championed the rights of carers, as well as Alison Bennett, the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for care and carers.

The co-chairs of the Lived Experience and Working group, Nathan Jones and Hope Lightowler expressed their gratitude to everyone who attended the coffee morning and underlined the importance of the coffee morning in ensuring that the voices of those directly involved in social care are taken into account in parliamentary debates and decision-making.

‘’It was a great turn out of people with lived experience of adult social care including immigrant care workers, adults living or supported by social care and those working for social care providers, all who openly shared their stories and experiences with MPs and each other.

We hope that MPs will continue to engage in the future. Overall, it was a great event and we would definitely endeavour to do it again.’’


Adult social care appg Meeting with the minister for care


Adult social care APPG Holds its inaugural general meeting